The battle between world leaders is being fought on a razor’s edge. The polls point in two directions and every self-respecting individual looks with great bewilderment at the persistence with which Putin expresses the caricature he has become of himself.

Valpeo / Insights / Leadership

Opinion • When our society gives a platform to toxic leaders

juli 20, 2022

The battle between world leaders is being fought on a razor’s edge. The polls point in two directions and every self-respecting individual looks with great bewilderment at the persistence with which Putin expresses the caricature he has become of himself.

“He is the prototype of the toxic leader and, based on his impactful role, a real threat to our society,” say Frank De Mey and Stephan Soens, both Partners at Accord Group Belgium, subsidiary of VALPEO, a leadership advisory firm.

The American writer, professor and consultant in the field of organizational theory Peter Drucker sees toxic leadership as a process in which leaders cause serious and lasting damage through their destructive behavior and/or dysfunctional personality traits, both to their ‘non-followers’ and ultimately to their ‘followers’ and their own organization(s).

Toxic leaders are reprehensible to those who have to endure their actions without accepting them and often heroes to others for whom they have created the ‘illusion of something to hold on to’ and a reason to exist.

Article in Dutch

Lees het volledige artikel in De Tijd – Tijd Connect • ‘Opinie: wanneer onze samenleving een podium geeft aan toxische leiders • Met Stephan Soens, Partner VALPEO en Frank De Mey, Partner VALPEO

Over Stephan Soens

Stephan Soens is Partner bij VALPEO. Hij is een betrouwbare assessment advisor & coach met meer dan 30 jaar ervaring in rekrutering en coaching van verschillende profielen in de meest uiteenlopende sectoren, van middle management tot top executives.

Over Frank De Mey

Frank De Mey is partner bij VALPEO. Hij beschikt over aanzienlijke ervaring en expertise op het gebied van ‘Executive Search’ enerzijds en ‘Assessments & Development Centers’ anderzijds. Zowel de publieke als de privésector hebben geen geheimen voor Frank, want hij werkt doorheen de jaren samen met kleine, middelgrote en grote organisaties zoals Infrabel, NMBS, HR-Rail, Aquafin, Havenbedrijf Antwerpen, FWO, UZ Brussel, ZNA,…).

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