Manage HR Magazine • VALPEO Developing Leaders of Tomorrow • ‘We are on a mission to unite the best of consultants, science and technology to inspire and support people and organizations and help them to add value, and unfold their authenticity and full potential.’

Valpeo / Insights / Leadership

Developing leaders of tomorrow

december 10, 2020

Manage HR Magazine • VALPEO Developing Leaders of Tomorrow • ‘We are on a mission to unite the best of consultants, science and technology to inspire and support people and organizations and help them to add value, and unfold their authenticity and full potential.’

Want to Learn More?

Read the full article in Manage HR Magazine • ‘VALPEO: Developing Leaders of Tomorrow’ • Featuring Fabiaan Van Vrekhem, Chairman & Co-Founder • (In English).

Over Fabiaan Van Vrekhem

Fabiaan Van Vrekhem is uitvoerend voorzitter van VALPEO. Hij heeft een rijke ervaring opgebouwd in alle gebieden van organisatieontwikkeling en leiderschapsstrategie.

Abonneer je op Ripple, de nieuwsbrief

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