Website disclaimer


VALPEO Holding Nv and its affiliated entities (in particular, Valpeo International Nv, Accord Group Belgium Nv, VALPEO Nv) (hereinafter collectively « VALPEO ») set out in this disclaimer the terms and conditions of use of the website including the VALPEO platform (hereinafter « the Website »).

The website is managed by VALPEO Holding Nv. The website manager can be contacted by e-mail:

In writing: VALPEO Holding Nv, Karel Lodewijk Maenhoutstraat 77a, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium

By using this website, you agree to accept these terms of use.


VALPEO takes great care and attention to this website and strives to display all information as completely, correctly, comprehensibly and up to date as possible and to use only reliable sources for the socio-legal information.

All information on the website (or/and linked websites) is of a general nature, this unless expressly stated otherwise. The information is not adapted to circumstances specific to any person or entity. You should not consider this information as personal, professional or legal advice. To obtain specific or personal advice, You should always consult the appropriate services.

However, despite all its continuous efforts, Accord Group cannot guarantee that the information made available is always complete, correct and up to date. VALPEO therefore disclaims any liability for inaccuracies and reserves the right to modify and/or remove website content (including hyperlinks) at any time without notice.

If the information provided on (or via) the Website is deficient, we will make every reasonable effort to correct it as soon as possible. If You find any imperfections or inaccuracies, You can always report them to the Website administrator.

VALPEO makes every effort to avoid technical interruptions as much as possible, but cannot guarantee that the website is always completely free of technical problems and does not provide any guarantees regarding the functioning of the website or its suitability for a specific use.

VALPEO is not liable for any malfunctions, interruptions or errors of/on the Website, nor is it liable for the consequences that may result therefrom by the user or third parties. VALPEO is therefore not liable for any direct, indirect, derived, immaterial or consequential damage (including but not limited to any business losses, work interruptions, damage to your programs and/or other data on your computer, or of your equipment and/or programs) resulting from the use of the Website and/or from the impossibility of using it, nor for the information on the Website itself.

Hyperlinks and references

This Website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites or web pages. VALPEO has no control over the content or technical aspects of these third-party websites and web pages to which You are referred by hyperlinks on this Website. Such hyperlinks are provided purely for Your convenience and their use is at Your own risk. Posting a hyperlink does not mean that VALPEO approves or accepts these sites (or their content or use). VALPEO cannot under any circumstances be held liable for direct or indirect damage that would result from consulting or using these hyperlinks. Our Website may also contain facts, opinions, insights, statements and recommendations from third parties. VALPEO does not guarantee or endorse in any way, or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed, uploaded, or disseminated via the Website. You acknowledge that if you rely on any such opinion, statement, advice or information, you do so at your own risk.

Online services

Since the online services are accessed by means of usernames and/or personal passwords and/or links assigned to users, VALPEO disclaims any liability arising from their improper use by any user or client.

When you use our online VALPEO platform for the first time, you will also be asked to approve our privacy policy. If you do not approve it, you will also not be able to continue using the platform, as we need certain information from you to enable your use of the platform.


Cookies are small text files that may be placed on your computer or mobile device when You visit our website. They contain visitor identification information that is stored on our secure servers. The cookies allow us to provide you with a better user experience when you next visit our Website and to optimize our Website. Please refer to our cookie statement on our website for detailed information regarding our cookie policy.


We value the privacy of our customers. We refer to our Privacy Statement on our website for detailed information regarding our privacy policy.

Behaviour of visitors

Visitors to our website agree that they will refrain from: (I) transmitting via or through the website any information, data, text, files, links, software, chats, communications or other data that is harmful, unlawful, threatening, abusive, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist or objectionable or is so perceived by VALPEO ; (II) transmitting or attempting to transmit any virus, trojan horse or other means that damages or destroys software; (III) knowingly or unknowingly violating any applicable law or regulation; and (IV) infringing the privacy or any personal right (including intellectual property rights) of any (legal) person.

VALPEO may, for whatever reason, block and/or suspend your access to (parts of) the website at any time.

Intellectual property rights

This website and its entire contents are protected by copyright. You have the right to consult, download and reproduce the information on this website for personal use, but only in accordance with the provisions of Book XI of the Economic Code and only insofar as this is in conformity with a normal personal use of the information. This right of use may be used for information purposes only, to the exclusion of any further reproduction, distribution, commercialization or exploitation to or by third parties.

The aforementioned personal right of use does not apply to texts and/or tools of which any use is explicitly restricted. The reproduction or use of multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.) always requires the prior consent of VALPEO. In any event, VALPEO and its affiliated entities retain at all times all intellectual property rights to the website itself and to the information made available.


The user of the Website indemnifies VALPEO against any damage, loss, costs, claims, procedures, expenses and/or liabilities as a result of third-party claims and incurred on account of or in connection with a violation by the user of the terms and conditions of use of this Website, including but not limited to (extra)judicial costs and lawyer’s fees, and third-party claims for (alleged) intellectual property rights violations.

The user accepts to cooperate as fully as possible in VALPEO’s defense against such a claim and/or claim, it being understood that Accord Group reserves the exclusive right of control and defense where applicable.

Applicable law and disputes

Belgian law is applicable to any disputes arising from the use of the website. Only the courts of Belgium have jurisdiction, unless expressly agreed otherwise between the parties.

Comments, complaints and questions

If you have any question or complaint regarding the terms and conditions contained in this Disclaimer, please contact the website administrator. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. If you send us, ideas, suggestions or other information, these will be considered as property of VALPEO. Furthermore, VALPEO cannot be held liable if you violate copyrights or use third-party rights or protected products in the process.

Version control: 24/04/2024