Frank De Mey


“It’s not obvious to be modest when you’re genius!”

Frank is a partner and co-founder of VALPEO. Before that, he completed an 8-year career as a consultant at CERM and 15 years as founding partner of Fiers & De Mey.

He possesses considerable experience and expertise in the field of ‘Executive Search’ on the one hand and ‘Assessments & Development Centers’ on the other hand of Senior Management and C-level profiles. Both the public and private sector have no secrets for Frank, as he has worked for small, medium and large organizations such as Infrabel, NMBS, HR-Rail, Aquafin, Havenbedrijf Antwerpen, FWO, UZ Brussel, ZNA,…). ​

Frank graduated from the University of Ghent with a master’s in Organizational Psychology. Ever since his focus has been on supporting clients across all aspects of their organization and leadership effectiveness challenges, with a particular focus on executive search leadership assessment and development. ​

In his spare time he is an accomplished musician and epicurean. ​

Frank is fluent in Dutch and English and knows his way around French projects.

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